7 Keys to Nailing Your Skilled Trade Job Interview

As the market for skilled trades continues to grow and attract eager candidates for employment, your opportunity to kick-start an exciting and fulfilling career in this sector has never been better. This growing market offers limitless opportunities, making it the perfect time to sharpen your tools – and your interview skills. At BlockTrain, we have spoken to Employers across the Central Ohio region, and have learned so much about what makes for the most successful candidates in the hiring process. Here are seven tips to help you prepare for that crucial entry-level job interview in the skilled trades. 

1. Don’t be on time. Be Early.
The number one thing we hear from companies is the value of showing up ready and on time. From a signaling perspective, it shows you are eager and serious about the opportunity being presented by the employer. 

2. Understand the Job Description

Take the time to thoroughly review the job description. Understand what the employer is looking for, including the responsibilities of the role and the skills required. Use this information to align your experience, skills, and personal attributes with their needs. This will demonstrate your suitability and your commitment to the role. 

3. Showcase Your Soft Skills

Soft skills are crucial in the skilled trades, almost as important as the technical aspects of your job. Whether it's the ability to work well in a team, problem-solving, or good communication skills, these are qualities that can set you apart. Remember, it's not just about what you can do, but also how you do it. Highlight instances from your past experiences where you have utilized these skills effectively. Be prepared with specific stories from your life that demonstrate your capabilities and showcase your intention. 

4. Know the Company

Research the company beforehand. Understand their mission, values, projects, and work culture. Use this information to demonstrate how you can contribute to their goals and why you would be a good fit. Employers appreciate candidates who show they've taken the initiative to understand their business. Remember, Employers are really just a group of people with some shared values and culture, who are organized around work. The more you can demonstrate you are a great addition to that specific Employer, based on your interests, background and research, the easier it is for that Employer to envision you as a new member of the company. 

5. Be Prepared to Talk About Your Hands-On Experience

In the skilled trades, hands-on experience is vital. Be ready to discuss any relevant experience you have, whether it's from an internship, a school project, or a previous job. Even if the experience wasn't directly related, use it to show your ability to learn new skills, adapt, and work hard.

6. Be Prepared for a Drug and Background Test

Most skilled trade workers have to submit to urine tests for drugs at various times, the first of which occurs during the interview process. Many insurance carriers often require drug testing as a condition of employment with the construction or service firms they insure. It’s important to know that the decision to enter the Skilled Trades requires a clean drug test, and maintaining that throughout your career.

7. Keep Updating your BlockTrain profile!

Employers appreciate candidates with up to date resumes, and complete profiles. This information helps the employer share candidate information inside their firm, in a way that is easy and fast. With BlockTrain, your resume is your profile, and serves as a perfect tool to share with prospective Employers. 

The skilled trades offer a world of opportunity. With a positive outlook, a willingness to learn, and a bit of preparation, you can confidently approach your entry-level job interview. Remember, every expert was once a beginner. So, get ready to build a robust career in the ever-growing skilled trades industry! 

Have more questions? Email me: hannah@blocktrainapp.com We are here to help. 

Hannah Wexner, CEO & Founder, BlockTrain


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