5 New Construction Technologies Skilled Workers will get to use!

Fast Company’s 2023 Innovation Awards, an annual series dedicated to spotlighting advancements in tech across industries, offers a glimpse at the future of design and construction.

The winning ideas help solve what the magazine calls “thorny problems.”Many of these innovations relate to construction and building design. Here’s a look at some of the most innovative technology coming to contractors:

SensorPods are autonomous vehicles that replace a truck’s side-view mirrors with sensors, adding to the technologies available for automating truck driving. The company plans to launch its first fully autonomous fleet in 2024, and will incorporate its tech into third-party fleets in 2025.

Modular Moon Habitat was designed by Seattle-based design firm Teague, which includes a modular and scalable design that features a wearable unit with a “natural user interface,” a complex system that remains invisible and limits the amount of materials needed at the complex

(W)rapper is an inside-out shell for buildings that helps protect against earthquakes. Innovation in architecture is helping to make our infrastructure more resilient!

Flyt Permeable Pavers are hexagonal blocks that can be used for paving, designed to soak up more water. The stones can be installed in public spaces, and hope to assist communities facing challenges related to more extreme weather.

There are countless opportunities to innovate in the construction and building space! Start learning the basic skills today at app.blocktrainapp.com!


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