How will AI change Construction?

Although construction has historically lagged behind other industries in terms of technology adoption, AI promises to shift how business is done in industrials.

Working in construction has never been more technical and there will be many opportunities to work with this exciting technology for skilled trades workers!

How might AI be used in construction?

  1. Design: Generative AI for architects in the design process marks a turning point in the sector’s “digital journey,” including: increased efficiencies, improved 3D modeling, and enhanced user experiences.

  2. Safety: AI can reduce risk. AI can recognise when certain products or materials are incompatible with specific systems. Identifying this in the early design stages can then reduce the need for costly rework further down the line. Search terms are also vastly improved through the ability to understand natural language. This helps designers find information at a faster pace and with more accuracy.

  3. Data: Information is collected from various sources and needs to be organized and analyzed to make informed decisions. AI can play a significant role in data analysis by providing real-time insights into the project’s progress. This can help in predicting potential delays, identifying areas where cost savings can be made, and even improve safety measures.

  4. Project Management: Language models like ChatGPT can act as a virtual assistant to construction managers. The software can be programmed to answer questions about the project, provide updates on the progress, and even suggest solutions to potential problems. This can help in reducing the workload of the project manager and allow them to focus on other critical tasks.

  5. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR): With VR and AR, construction workers can visualize the project in a 3D environment, making it easier to identify potential issues and make informed decisions. This can help in reducing the time and resources required to make changes to the project later on.

  6. Efficiency: The use of AI can also help in reducing the cost of construction projects. With the help of AI, companies can identify areas where cost savings can be made, such as optimizing the use of materials and reducing waste. This can result in significant cost savings, which can be passed on to clients.

We do not yet know the full ramification of AI on construction projects. However, as technology continues to advance, it is essential for the construction industry to cautiously embrace AI and fully appreciate the upside and the risk.


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