What do you Learn in Woodworking Shop Class?
Woodworking class is designed to give students valuable insights into the major areas of woodworking. A quality woodworking program provides experiences far more important than those typically associated with woodshop. Courses, like woodworking, where students use their hands build confidence, strength of character, and problem solving capabilities useful in all careers and in every educational experience.
An introduction to woodworking usually includes the following:
Designing and planning
Woodshop Safety
Understanding and selecting wood and materials
Ruler increments and fractions
How to give the best yield of lumber
Basic Tools and Processes
Understanding the stresses on materials and structures
How to plane, saw, drill and bore
Wood Joints
How to create structures and 3D objects out of wood
Identify and connect wood joints
Cutting Curves
Recognizing and creating proper curves in materials
Create and identify curves in materials
Power Tools
Planing machines, circular saws, band saws, jig saws, saber saws
Drill press, mortiser, lathes
Router, shaper, molder, sander
Cabinetmaking and Furniture making
Laminating, bending, and furniture upholstery
Finishing projects
Combining woodworking techniques
Construction Projects
Tables, planters
Landscape construction
You can start at home! Here are some woodworking projects for beginners you can try out at minimal cost!
With just a table saw, sandpaper, and untreated hardwood, you can craft a cutting board to help you prepare or showcase your culinary creations!
Tip! To make this project food-safe, be sure your mineral oil is food grade
Repurposing used materials like old crates can be a great way to skip the sawing and practice your finishing skills like staining!
Tip! Assembly can be done using a joining jig, wood glue, and a nail gun to simplify the process